Index of the OCA Records


Compiled by Jerry D. Feezel, OCA Archivist, Feb. 15, 2017

Documents from the origins of the association to the present are deposited at Muskingum University in New Concord, OH. See the MU Librarian for assistance with access. Additionally, copies of some documents (especially those sensitive to deterioration) exist in digitally scanned form which can be made available. We are attempting to preserve and protect all materials on the history of OCA but make them available to interested researchers. Below is an index of the current contents of the Archives. There is some redundancy or duplication presently with some items also available digitally.

Box 1—Oldest most fragile materials, Premier Collection

  1. College Notebook of Original Records 1932-1940 (in airtight plastic protector) [digitized, all nonblank pages to the end, p.16528 pdf files]
  2. “Journal” (legal length ledger of handwritten OACTS records 1940-1948. [digitized into six pdf files].
  3. OACTS Records 1932-1945 with handwritten notes on meetings & officers 1923-31 inserted at the front (red 3-ring binder). [The inserted notes include an officers list from 1926-67 (with some gaps) and notes on QJSE articles from 1923-1938].
  4. OACTS Newsletters 1938 to 1949 (black pressure binder)
  5. OACTS Newsletters 1949-53 (black pressure binder)
  6. OACTS Constitution & Records 1940-on (black pressure binder)
  7. OACTS Records 1945-1950 (powder blue 3-ring binder)
  8. OACTS Records 1950-58 (blue 3-ring binder, tabbed by Academic Yrs.)
  9. MA Thesis by Kristan Leedy Endress, University of Akron, 1984 (black pressure binder)

Separate plastic bag: Records of OACTS 1932-1939 (laminated in red 3-ring binder). [This is in good condition & is photocopied from the separate College Notebook (Box 1, #1 above) Record of Ohio Assoc. of College “Speech Teachers” (up through page 127).]

Box 2—Item One duplicates from Box 1, but others continue chronologically

  1. OACTS Records 1945-49 & other items (tentatively in two manila file folders)
  2. Meetings, membership & financial records for 60s & 70s (in hanging file folders, chronological).
  3. Directory of 1969-70 Ohio Speech Association (officers & members), 8 ½ x 11 stapled paper volume.
  4. Conference Planning Book for OSA 1970, assembled by Charles V. Carlson (brown covered 2-hole punched binding).
  5. SCAO 1979 Bumper Stickers “Teaching Speech Is Sound Business” (8 in clear airtight plastic, 2 colors, 2 scanned) with accompanying page on history of these.

Box 3—Continues records chronologically

  1. Meetings, membership & financial records for 80s to current (in hanging file folders, chronological).
  2. Financial and membership records for 2002 (removed from grey accordion file folder).
  3. Financial records for 2002-2005 (in a blue 3-ring binder).
  4. Records & correspondence of 2006-07 (removed from black cloth zippered accordion file folder).

Box 4—Programs, journals, photos, & disks

  1. Directory and Contest Rules for OACTS: 1946-47, 47-48, 48-49, 49-50 (2copies), 50-51, 51-52, Feb. 53, & Jan. 54.
  2. Conference Programs for 1976 to 2012, two or more copies of some; [missing: 77 & 78 (1 undated may be 78), 87-89, 92-94, 2000, & 2003].
  3. Banquet Programs & Awards (on 4×5 booklets)—SCAO 1981, 82, 83, 84
  4. 14 audio-cassette tapes 1980-83: Doug Adair Awarded (Phipps/Feezel) 1980; Past Presidents Panel 1982; 1983 Endress Interviews of Boase, Carlson, Cowperthwaite (2 cassettes), Feezel, Golden, Grissinger, Holm (2), Kelley, Phipps, & Yeager. [Probably should all be dubbed to one CD or flashdrive]
  5. Photo prints packet for SCAO 1979 & 1981 [all 29 photos scanned to disk.]
  6. Journals—The Ohio Speech journal vols.1-1962, 3-‘65, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; v15-22 (v21 in ’83 Golden Anniversary Edition 2 copies); v39 (2 copies), 41/42 combined 2006; 45 (2007) & 46 (2008) OCA Journal, six copies of Vol. 49 (2011, 75th[Keep 2 copies & sell or give other 4], 51, and 54 (3 copies). [We need to find copies of missing years (vols. 2, 10-14, 23-38, 40, 43-44, 50, 52, 53) to fill-in collection and scan at least Journal Vols. 1, 21 & 49 as historically significant].
  7. SCAO slides of 1980-1984 conferences in Airequipt 600 slide case—approx. 560 slides indexed. [scanned selection of slides also available]