Conference Submission Form 2024 Conference Submission Form 2024 Name* First Last Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Phone*College or Business Affiliation Please choose from the following*Professional, Educator, Undergraduate Student, or Graduate Student ProfessionalEducatorUndergraduate StudentGraduate StudentIs this your first time submitting to a professional conference?* Yes No Any co-authors / co-presenters?Please list any co-authors/co-presenters, their affiliations, and email addresses. List the authors / presenters above that will not be in attendance. Submission title written for the conference program*Please enter the submission title written for the conference program 150-word summary/description written for conference program*Please include a brief 150-word summary/description written for conference programSubmission Type* Research PaperResearch in ProgressDiscussion or Research Paper PanelWorkshop or Short CourseGIFTSResearch PosterCommunication Application and Impact PosterUpload your file*Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB.Agreement*In submitting the attached proposal, I/we recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. I/We agree to represent this submission at the annual conference if it is accepted and programmed. I/We further recognize that all who attend and present at OCA’s annual conference must register and pay required fees. I Agree