2024 Conference Keynote: Dr. Lisa Hanasono

Lisa Hanasono (Ph.D., Purdue University) is a professor in the School of Media and Communication and an affiliated faculty member of the American Culture Studies Program and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program at Bowling Green State University. Her research focuses primarily on faculty development, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). She is a co-PI of a nearly million-dollar NSF ADVANCE Adaptation grant that focuses on faculty allyship, anti-hate bystander intervention, and inclusive leadership, and she recently co-edited a book titled Academic Mothers Building Online Communities: It Takes a Village. Her work is published in journals such as the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, Communication Research, Communication Teacher, Communication Quarterly, and Communication Studies. She serves on the National Communication Association’s (NCA) Mentorship and Leadership Council and previously served as chairs of NCA’s Asian and Pacific American Caucus (APAC) and International and Intercultural Communication Division (IICD). In addition to her academic work, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, batch cooking, and horseback riding.

Keynote address: Revealing and Communicating the Hidden Curriculum of Higher Education

The hidden curriculum refers to the informal expectations and practices, unwritten rules, and underlying power dynamics that inequitably shape, constrain, and facilitate individuals’ educational journeys and academic careers. In this engaging keynote address, Dr. Hanasono will share some of her recent research and reveal key components of the hidden curriculum of higher education. In addition, she will highlight how communication scholars can play a pivotal role in demystifying the hidden curriculum and leveling the playing field of higher education.